Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Life's Greatest Miracle Assignment

These are the instructions you should follow if you wish to use the Life's Greatest Miracle video as the basis for one of your 10 point homework papers.

In your paper, please summarize (in your own words) two or three new things you learned, and include (briefly) any reactions you had to the material. Was there anything that surprised you, or found especially interesting? Explain.

A point of clarification--you are not required to write a paper about this video. But if you do, please make sure your paper tells me some things you learned specifically from this video--and not just general information about pregnancy and childbirth.

Here is the link to the program's web site.

Hopefully you were taking notes as you watched the video, but there is also a transcript available on this web page--click the word "Transcript" to see it.

Remember, it is NOT okay to copy and paste parts of the transcript to include in your paper. You need to summarize the findings/new information in your own words. But using the transcript and scanning for the parts that interested you could save you time compared to watching the video to find the right spot.

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